Ms. Myer will speak to the Atlanta Bar Association’ Solo and Small Firm Section on April 25 on issues in employment law of concern to small businesses.
Ms. Myer Will Chair the State Bar of Georgia’s Annual Technology Law Institute on October 25, 2013
Ms. Myer has agreed to chair the State Bar of Georgia’s 28th Annual Technology Law Institute on October 25, 2012. The Institute provides an annual update on a variety of legal issues of interest to attorneys who handle technology law. More details will be provided closer to the date of the Institute.
Ms. Myer to Speak at CLE Seminar on Professionalism April 18
Ms. Myer is continuing her tradition of speaking regularly to bar organizations on a variety of topics by appearing on a professionalism panel at a seminar on April 18, 2013.
Family and Medical Leave Act Turns 20
The Family and Medical Leave Act was enacted 20 years ago, in February 1993. Despite its age, it is still a controversial law – with some folks still hoping to abolish it, some folks still trying to expand its reach, and courts still disagreeing over how to interpret some of its provisions.
Ms. Myer to Speak at Technology Law Institute on October 19
Ms. Myer will be co-presenting a legal update at the State Bar of Georgia’s Technology Law Institute in Atlanta on October 19, 2012. Ms. Myer currently serves as Secretary of the Technology Law Section of the State Bar of Georgia and is scheduled to serve as Chair of the 2013 Technology Law Institute.